How to Prepare
What to bring:
Camping: Bring your own tent, mattress/something soft to sleep on
Bedding: Duvet, sleeping bag, blanket, pillow (keep an eye on the weather forecast & be sure to bring what you need to keep you cozy & warm at night)
Bring Your Own: Plate, bowl, mug, knife, fork, spoon, bottle... We will ALL be responsible for washing our own eating utensils and it really, really helps to have items that are easily recognisable or marked as yours!
For RED Tent workspace: Yoga mat, sheepskin, water-bottle, cushion, blanket, sarong/kikoi, journal & pen.
Cushion, chair back (if you require one), yoga mat, sheepskin (nice to have), water-bottle, blanket, sarong/kikoi, journal & pen
- Please ensure that you bring an extra cushion for yourself to sit in our sessions (which you can leave in the Tent Space) - we are stripping down this year, so ensure you bring one or 2 for your comfort needs...
- If you have any of the following to contribute to the co-creation of The RED Tent space: kelims, carpets, oriental rug, picnic blankets to cover the LARGE floor area of the RED tent.
Clothing: Comfortable clothes to move and work in. Flip flops come in handy to protect your feet from thorny grass patches. We will be dancing, shaking, stretching, moving & loving…layers of clothes to take on & off to regulate your body temperature. Be as glamorous & as sexy as you like. Wear as little or as much clothing as you require…
- Please also bring 3 items of clothing in the following colours: RED, BLACK AND WHITE.
River/swimming: Swimming costume (optional), sun hat, towel, sunscreen, floating devices, blow-up boats, lilos, noodles, dolphins etc.
- Bring a pair of sandals, crocs or slops to avoid the thorny patches!
Cosmetics: Please bring only organic & biodegradable shampoos & soaps etc.
Miscellaneous: Torch/lantern, unscented coconut oil (a small jar will do), your own stash of chocolate, nuts & sweets if you think you will be needing them :), hammock, solar lamps, fairy lights, any decor items you’d like to contribute to co-creating the RED Retreat space…
Music / instruments: Drums, shakers, guitars, singing bowls, rainsticks – any instruments for fireside boogies & moonlight serenades

What NOT to bring:
Jewellery: all sorts…perhaps even your wedding ring
Perfumes/deodorants: please leave at home any added scents (even essential oils) we will be practicing being in the company of our PURE SELF – unrefined and deliciously divine
Beauty products: the unscented coconut oil will serve as both face and body moisturizer and even as a toothpaste.
All make-up: no need to wear masks here, you will be loved for who you are and not for what you look like​
Fancy Lingerie: you are invited to release your body from the grip of your bra…as often as possible
Children & Fur Children: regret no pets or children (other than breastfeeding children under the age of 1)
Unfinished Business: please do your very best to close any personal business before arrival on Thursday, so you will be ready to switch off your phone for the whole duration of The RED Retreat – it will be a wonderful opportunity to practice freedom from social attachments… it will do you the world of good!​

Getting to the River
The drive to ‘Up The Creek’ is approximately 3hrs from Cape Town, so please give yourself plenty of travelling time to arrive at the latest by 5:30pm.
Google Map Link: click HERE
From Cape Town​
Take the N2 towards Swellendam.
Approximately 10 km before Swellendam, turn right onto a dirt road at the sign that says Malgas/Infanta.
After 2-3 km, take the left turn to Napkysmond.
Drive for approximately 15km until you see the sign ‘Up the Creek’ on the LHS.
There is a big green tank and an old ox wagon.
Turn left here and drive down the hill and through the Up the Creek camp down to the river.
Follow the track to the left alongside the river for a few 100m until you reach a little stone house.
Park here to offload your tent etc and you will be directed to park your car at an allocated parking spot up the hill, where your car will remain for the duration of The RED Retreat.